Maximize your stengths
“To excel, ignore your weaknesses…
and focus on your strengths.”
Paul J. Meyer
In “A Fortune to Share,” Paul J. Meyer (entrepreneur and founder of Summers Mill) describes the importance of focusing on our strengths rather than our weaknesses.
Clarinets and Sports
Paul’s friend, Pete Fountain, is a world-famous clarinet player. Fountain knew early in his teenage years that he had found his strength in life - playing the clarinet. His teachers tried to dissuade him from bringing his clarinet to school, insisting that he play sports and have fun like other boys. Fountain didn’t listen.
He knew he was not a boy who played the clarinet - he was a clarinet player!
He invested countless hours into his craft, and he became the number one jazz clarinetist of his time. Pete Fountain maximized his strengths!
What are your strengths?
In order to focus on improving your strengths, you have to know what they are. Meyer gives examples from his life:
“I am not the personality type who would enjoy preparing accounting reports. If I had to spend most of my day analyzing figures and producing reports, I would soon cease to function effectively.
“I avoid tasks that use my weaknesses. Instead, I hire people who have skills I do not have… This keeps me free to exuberantly pursue opportunities and responsibilities that maximize my strengths.”
Meyer provides a simple self-evaluation for us to employ. Ask yourself:
Am I using my strengths?
When am I most creative?
Do I have the ability to form relationships with other people?
What gives me the greatest sense of fulfillment and happiness?
What is my personality type?
Feeling burned out?
Meyer suggests that one of the biggest reasons for stress and burnout at work is when our line of work isn’t based on our strengths. When you work in a job that minimizes your weaknesses and maximizes your strengths, you’re much more likely to be happy.
We all have tough times at work and in life. Meyer says, “I do not dwell on the weaknesses or the bad times. Instead, I do a mental 180-degree turn to remember past successes and past pleasures.”
“Reliving the thrill of my accomplishments reminds me to rivet my attention on what I do best so I can maximize my strengths.”
Paul J. Meyer
Retreat. Connect. Renew.
If you are feeling burned out, you may find a personal retreat helpful. We’d love to host you.